The Climbing

"It was the most beautiful place under heaven or sky. Mountains and rock, trees, desert, and blue lake - all lay before him in exquisite detail. The air was so clear he felt he could see the end of the earth, the sky so deep blue, it seemed to merge into space. The view was entirely indescribable to those who were unwilling to pay the price, those unwilling to get out and make the steep mountain climb." "What was it, he wondered, that drove him to the summit? What was it that compelled him to climb the steep path, working his way up the dangerous trail? He couldn't answer the question; all he knew was that he felt it necessary to climb, to reach the highest point, to be on top of the world, to measure the distance, to see both sides of the mountain and the granite peaks all around. Being up there helped him, somehow, to understand the way things operated down below, reminding him that there was more to life than the daily grind."

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

Fall----My Favorite Season!

Hey Friends,

I love love love the fall season! In a lot of places, the fall season is really cold---but in Mississippi the weather is just right! I love everything about the fall--the changin' leaves, Friday night highschool football and Saturday night college football games, pumpkin patches,etc...It's wonderful! This weekend we are going up to Southaven,Mississippi to stay in a nice hotel and then Sunday we are going to the Carrie Underwood concert! I am soo looking forward to a weekend of fun and relaxation!

Lovin' the Fall,
Ash :)

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

My Trip to Rexburg---November 13th-19th!!

Hey Friends,

Today was a good day! Why? Well, my sister and I finally booked our plane tickets for our trip to Rexburg, Idaho and we got an AMAZING deal on the tickets, our rental car, and hotel! So we will be in "the burg" for 6 days---which isn't NEARLY enough, but it's the best we could do for now! Emily will be going to school in Rexburg for the summer semester of 09' she wants to check out the off-campus housing, classes, financial office, etc...I really don't have anything important I need to do in Rexburg----but I can never turn down a trip up that way!! So, if you are in the area...will be in the area...or even near-by (as we will be flying into Salt Lake City,Utah) I would love to spend some time with you! Maybe go to dinner, or just stop by...and introduce you to my sister! It shall be fun! Let me know if you want to do something! Email me at either or!

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane.....Wish I Never Had To Come Back Again,


lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Stop This Train

Hey Friends,

So, these past couple of weeks...I have had some time to reflect on my life. I heard a song by John Mayer the other day...that I have heard a million times before! But for some reason on this particular day, it just really hit me..If you haven't heard the song before, I would recommend that you get it! It's a "must-have" in my book (or Ipod---whatev) The song is called "Stop This Train" and basically he shares his fear of time flying by him...But he realizes that he can't "Stop This Train" so he just needs to enjoy the ride! Does anyone other than John Mayer and myself feel like time is flying by? I can't believe that I am 22 years old....All my friends are getting married, moving into their new homes, having cute little babies, going on missions....Change is inevitable! But, I wonder friends....If we are stopping to enjoy the "NOW?" Are we sitting outside on a beautiful fall day (the fall in Mississippi is amazing....and not just because of college football, though that does play a big part of it :)? Are we spending time with our families? One day this whole thing will be over....and what will we have to show for the time we spent here? Friends, I challenge you to HAVE FUN this week....spend time with those you love....apologize to those you have offended...forgive those who may have offended you. We can't "Stop This Train" they call life---so you might as well just hang on..and enjoy the ride!
From one John Mayer fan to another,

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Going to the Keith Urban & Carrie Underwood show---V.I.P. STYLE!

Hey Friends -

So next weekend we are going to see Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban...My mom's fiance drives tour buses and he is currently on tour with her! So, he pulled some strings for us...and we get to go to the show "V.I.P. style" which will allow us to have EXCELLENT seats and to attend her personal meet and greet after the show! My sister and I are way excited! I am not a huge fan of Carrie Underwood's but what woman would not want to see Keith Urban up close and personal? He is sooo hot! So be jealous! :D If anyone in the future would like me to see if I can get you tickets for a concert coming near you...Don't hesitate to ask! I will always give it a shot---no promises though!

Thanking the Lord for sexy "eye-candy" like Keith Urban,

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

So Comfortable....

Hey Friends-

Is there anything in your life that you miss doing? Something that perhaps you have done so many times, that no matter how long of a break you take from can still pick it up with relative ease? Well today, I decided to take out some of my frustrations----so I picked up an old "softball bat." I can't begin to tell you how comfortable it felt in my hands......I haven't picked up a bat in years---But still, my hands were ever so happy to be reunited with the bat! I remember as a young child, softball was all I really cared about! I lived from game to game....Short-stop and first base became my "home." Even now, years since I have actually played in a softball game, I can still remember the way it felt be part of something I loved---and also the smell of summer and the roar of the crowd! I am so happy I picked up that ole bat today! It brought back so many good memories....and all the lessons I learned as a young softball player that I still carry with me today! Friends, I challenge you to do the same----maybe softball isn't your thing....But whatever "your thing" is....that you haven't done in awhile....DO IT! :)

With Love For The Game,

My Appointment With The "Fat Doctor"/Abercrombie and Fitch Clothes!!

Hola Amigos,

So, I had my first...and last appointment with the infamous "fat doctor!" He has been coming to my mother's clinic for the past couple of months and my mother suggested I see him. To say that he is rude, would be putting it lightly! I am not sure why I even waste my time, sometimes! I know that overweight people can understand my thoughts...All overweight people are told is to lose weight---whether it be in the media, magazines, or among our peers...We all KNOW we need to lose weight, and yes....We realize we are fat! But what can we do when at every turn, a doctor/professional says..."Sorry, I have nothing that can help you?" Or when they offer a suggestion like, "Umm, maybe you should just eat alittle better?" Wow, did you seriously go to school for 12 years to learn's seriously an insult to my intelligence to assume that I NEVER considered eating better! Anyways, I can not wait to have the Gastric Bypass surgery....I have dealt with being over-weight for WAY too long! I hate how people automatically pre-judge people who are being "lazy!" I am tired of working harder, nearly killing myself, to prove that I am not "lazy!" I am just tired of everything having to do with the word FAT! I will beat OBESITY! And, one day....I will have the opportunity to be the "skinny person" in the equation...But rather than judging someone or being rude...I will smile at them and be kind---knowing all the while that I was once in their shoes.....and thank the Lord each and everyday that he blessed me with a way to change!

Wishing I could fit into Abercrobie & Fitch clothes, (Sigh...)

Called To the Tonga Nuku Alofa Mission???

Hey Friends-

So, as most of you know I will be going on a mission the beginning/spring of next year! I am really excited! Last night, I had one of the weirdest dreams, that I was called to serve my mission in Tonga!! I have NEVER pictured myself going ANYWHERE but a Spanish speaking country/mission! But for some odd reason, the dream seemed real.....and it was so peaceful! It just goes to show that you NEVER know where the Lord needs you or anyone else for that matter. I can't tell you the number of my friends who are currently on missions, for which "I" would have assigned them in a completely different place! I think we just need to be willing to serve anywhere...whether the view is that of a "post card" or in some common desitination within the states----We just gotta serve! el fin....(The End--in spanish :)

Just another employee in the Lord's business,

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

5 Things I Miss About Rexburg,Idaho..:(

Hey Friends,

As most of you know I have been away from Rexburg, Idaho for 6 months! I miss Rexburg so so much! Somewhere along the way, the city...the people....the school became my home! I can honestly say without any hesitation at all that I was divinely sent to Rexburg,Idaho for! The Lord knew what he was doing...(doesn't he always?) The people I met there was not by chance and the experiences I have had with them have changed my life....My best friends all came from my time there! There is a saying that I KNOW most everyone has heard goes something like this, " You don't know what ya got...until it's gone!!" SO TRUE!! So, I have compiled a list of things I miss about Rexburg....

1- My Kensington 207 girls! (You guys know who you are!)

2- Da Pineapple Grill, Jamba Juice, Fongs, Craigo's, and Ramires (I should probably have a separate food section..oh well) Rexburg has the best food ever---it's one of the biggest secrets in America! (And like 97% of my body fat) :D

3- My walks/runs down by the temple...Such a peaceful, reflective time!

4- The Walters Family...I miss cute little Dallin, Lilli, and Carly...(And sometimes, I miss you Beth! :)

5- Last but not least, I miss the feeling of being in the right the right time...with the right people, pursuing the right things...It's been awhile since I have had that feeling!

Missing Rexburg something FIERCE,

Ashley D. Gossett

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Surgery Around Christmas Time!!! :D

Hey Friends,

I thought I could use this whole "blog thing" to my advantage and tell everyone that I am planning on having the Gastric Bypass surgery around Christmas time this year! What a great new start for me! And honestly...I CAN NOT WAIT! I feel like my weight is really the last thing holding me back from reaching many of the goals I have for myself. As many of you have known me for most of my life, you know that I have fought the battle with obesity/FATNESS (for a lack of better words, after a long day) for my entire life. I can't wait to punch obesity in the flippin' face! Anyways, that's the plan friends! I will give more details as they come...

Your soon to be "skinny" friend,

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

Jesus Loves Me....

Hey Friends,

I spent the weekend with some of my family from Oxford,MS! I am always amazed at how the Lord finds ways to touch me and to testify of his love for me. My grandmother has a music/studio room in her house that our entire family uses to write songs, sing, etc...I heard my cousin singin' and so I went into the music room. She was singing a "Baptist church version" of the popular LDS song, "I Am A Child Of God." The song is called, "Jesus loves me." I was so impressed by this little 3 year old who so boldy sang that she KNEW Jesus loved her! Why is it that we forget that? It seems that as life gets harder, we forget one of the most important truths in this entire world---that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, LOVES US! Just as my young cousin so bravely professed to our entire family and probably most of the neighborhood :D, we must too know...that he loves us and will not fail us when we need him the most!

Con mucho amor,