The Climbing

"It was the most beautiful place under heaven or sky. Mountains and rock, trees, desert, and blue lake - all lay before him in exquisite detail. The air was so clear he felt he could see the end of the earth, the sky so deep blue, it seemed to merge into space. The view was entirely indescribable to those who were unwilling to pay the price, those unwilling to get out and make the steep mountain climb." "What was it, he wondered, that drove him to the summit? What was it that compelled him to climb the steep path, working his way up the dangerous trail? He couldn't answer the question; all he knew was that he felt it necessary to climb, to reach the highest point, to be on top of the world, to measure the distance, to see both sides of the mountain and the granite peaks all around. Being up there helped him, somehow, to understand the way things operated down below, reminding him that there was more to life than the daily grind."

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Stop This Train

Hey Friends,

So, these past couple of weeks...I have had some time to reflect on my life. I heard a song by John Mayer the other day...that I have heard a million times before! But for some reason on this particular day, it just really hit me..If you haven't heard the song before, I would recommend that you get it! It's a "must-have" in my book (or Ipod---whatev) The song is called "Stop This Train" and basically he shares his fear of time flying by him...But he realizes that he can't "Stop This Train" so he just needs to enjoy the ride! Does anyone other than John Mayer and myself feel like time is flying by? I can't believe that I am 22 years old....All my friends are getting married, moving into their new homes, having cute little babies, going on missions....Change is inevitable! But, I wonder friends....If we are stopping to enjoy the "NOW?" Are we sitting outside on a beautiful fall day (the fall in Mississippi is amazing....and not just because of college football, though that does play a big part of it :)? Are we spending time with our families? One day this whole thing will be over....and what will we have to show for the time we spent here? Friends, I challenge you to HAVE FUN this week....spend time with those you love....apologize to those you have offended...forgive those who may have offended you. We can't "Stop This Train" they call life---so you might as well just hang on..and enjoy the ride!
From one John Mayer fan to another,

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