The Climbing

"It was the most beautiful place under heaven or sky. Mountains and rock, trees, desert, and blue lake - all lay before him in exquisite detail. The air was so clear he felt he could see the end of the earth, the sky so deep blue, it seemed to merge into space. The view was entirely indescribable to those who were unwilling to pay the price, those unwilling to get out and make the steep mountain climb." "What was it, he wondered, that drove him to the summit? What was it that compelled him to climb the steep path, working his way up the dangerous trail? He couldn't answer the question; all he knew was that he felt it necessary to climb, to reach the highest point, to be on top of the world, to measure the distance, to see both sides of the mountain and the granite peaks all around. Being up there helped him, somehow, to understand the way things operated down below, reminding him that there was more to life than the daily grind."

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Surgery Around Christmas Time!!! :D

Hey Friends,

I thought I could use this whole "blog thing" to my advantage and tell everyone that I am planning on having the Gastric Bypass surgery around Christmas time this year! What a great new start for me! And honestly...I CAN NOT WAIT! I feel like my weight is really the last thing holding me back from reaching many of the goals I have for myself. As many of you have known me for most of my life, you know that I have fought the battle with obesity/FATNESS (for a lack of better words, after a long day) for my entire life. I can't wait to punch obesity in the flippin' face! Anyways, that's the plan friends! I will give more details as they come...

Your soon to be "skinny" friend,

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